National Board for Certified Counselors Company
National Board for Certified Counselors
The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) is a not-for-profit, independent certification organization whose primary purposes are to establish and administer a national certification system and to identify qualified counselors who have voluntarily sought and obtained NBCC board certification. NBCC is the premier certification body of the profession with the vision of enhancing society worldwide through quality counseling. NBCC and Affiliates is composed of three organizational affiliates: the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE), and the NBCC Foundation (NBCCF).
NBCC and Affiliates has operations and partnerships in approximately 40 countries providing professional certifications, occupational credentials, training programs, educational activities, and public mental health services through institutes and residencies. Over 68,000 nationally certified counselors serve the public and advance mental health efforts across the globe. With a portfolio of nine credentials related to professional counseling, mental health, addictions, human services, and career development, NBCC and Affiliates seeks to expand the professional capacity of counselors and human service professionals.
NBCC's primary organizational functions relate to the development and operation of quality credentialing, certification, and quality assurance programs. CCE creates and administers other occupational programs, including education and training activities, and leverages credentials to best serve communities. Additionally, CCE provides management services for associations, boards, agencies, and other organizational clients. NBCCF administers programs focused on capacity building, the expansion of access to mental health services in underserved and never-served communities, and the development of high-quality professional development resources for counselors.